

1. Basic

Use {{ }} notation to fill out a template with data to generate a new JSON

1. Template and Data

var template = {
  "menu": {
    "flavor": "{{flavor}}",
    "richness": "{{richness}}",
    "garlic amount": "{{garlic_amount}}",
    "green onion?": "{{green_onion}}",
    "sliced pork?": "{{pork_amount}}",
    "secret sauce": "{{sauce_amount}}",
    "noodle's texture": "{{texture}}"

var data = {
  "flavor": "strong",
  "richness": "ultra rich",
  "garlic_amount": "1 clove",
  "green_onion": "thin green onion",
  "pork_amount": "with",
  "sauce_amount": "double",
  "texture": "extra firm"

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  "menu": {
    "flavor": "strong",
    "richness": "ultra rich",
    "garlic amount": "1 clove",
    "green onion?": "thin green onion",
    "sliced pork?": "with",
    "secret sauce": "double",
    "noodle's texture": "extra firm"

2. Loop

Use #each to iterate through items

1. Template and Data

var template = {
  "orders": {
    "{{#each customers}}": {
      "order": "One {{menu}} for {{name}}!"

var data = {
  "customers": [{
    "name": "Hatter",
    "menu": "miso ramen"
  }, {
    "name": "March Hare",
    "menu": "tonkotsu ramen"
  }, {
    "name": "Dormouse",
    "menu": "miso ramen"
  }, {
    "name": "Alice",
    "menu": "cup noodles"

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  "orders": [{
    "order": "One miso ramen for Hatter!"
  }, {
    "order": "One tonkotsu ramen for March Hare!"
  }, {
    "order": "One miso ramen for Dormouse!"
  }, {
    "order": "One cup noodles for Alice!"

3. Conditional

Use #if/#elseif/#else to selectively fill out a template

1. Template and Data

var template = {
  "response": [{
    "{{#if spicy < 7}}": {
      "message": "Coming right up!"
  }, {
    "{{#elseif spicy < 9}}": {
      "message": "Are you sure? It is very spicy"
  }, {
    "{{#else}}": {
      "message": "Please sign here where it says you're responsible for this decision"

var data = {
  "spicy": 8

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  "response": {
    "message": "Are you sure? It is very spicy"

4. Existential Operator

You can use the existential operator #? to exclude an attribute altogether if the template evaluates to a falsy value.

1. Template and Data

var data = {
  notifications: {
    home: 1,
    invite: 2
var template = {
  tabs: [{
    text: "home",
    badge: "{{#? notifications.home}}"
  }, {
    text: "message",
    badge: "{{#? notification.message}}"
  }, {
    text: "invite",
    badge: "{{#? notification.invite}}"

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  tabs: [{
    text: "home",
    badge: 1
  }, {
    text: "message"
  }, {
    text: "invite",
    badge: 2

5. Concat

You can concatenate multiple items and arrays into a single array using the #concat operator.

1. Template and Data

var data = {
  numbers: [1,2,3]
var template = {
  "items": {
    "{{#concat}}": [
        "type": "label",
        "text": "Length: {{numbers.length}}"
        "{{#each numbers}}": {
          "type": "label",
          "text": "{{this}}"

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  "items": [{
    "type": "label",
    "text": "Length: 3"
  }, {
    "type": "label",
    "text": 1
  }, {
    "type": "label",
    "text": 2
  }, {
    "type": "label",
    "text": 3

6. Merge

You can merge multiple objects into a single object using the #merge operator. If there are any overlapping attributes, the ones that come later will override the previously set attribute.

1. Template and Data

var data = {
  numbers: [1,2,3],
  align: "right",
  size: "14"
var template = {
  "{{#merge}}": [
      "type": "label",
      "text": "Length: {{numbers.length}}"
      "style": {
        "align": "{{align}}",
        "size": "{{size}}"
      "action": {
        "type": "$render"

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  "type": "label",
  "text": "Length: 3",
  "style": {
    "align": "right",
    "size": "14"
  "action": {
    "type": "$render"

7. Inline JavaScript

You can use ANY native javascript expression inside the template.

1. Template and Data

var template = {
  "ranking": {
    "{{#each players.sort(function(p1, p2) { return p2.quantity - p1.quantity; }) }}": "{{name}} ate {{quantity}}"
  "winner": "{{players.sort(function(p1, p2) { return p2.quantity - p1.quantity; })[0].name }}"
var data = {
  "players": [{
    "name": "Alice",
    "quantity": 102
  }, {
    "name": "Mad Hatter",
    "quantity": 108
  }, {
    "name": "Red Queen",
    "quantity": 100

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  "ranking": [
    "Mad Hatter ate 108",
    "Alice ate 102",
    "Red Queen ate 100"
  "winner": "Mad Hatter"

8. $root

Sometimes you need to refer to the root data object while iterating through an #each loop.

In this case you can use a special keyword named $root.

1. Template and Data

var template = {
  "{{#each posts}}": [
var data = {
  users: ["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"],
  posts: [{
    content: "Show me the money",
    user_id: 1
  }, {
    content: "hello world",
    user_id: 0
  }, {
    content: "what is the meaning of life?",
    user_id: 2

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  ["Show me the money", "Bob"],
  ["hello world", "Alice"],
  ["what is the meaning of life?", "Carol"]

9. $index

You can use a special variable named $index within #each loops.

1. Template and Data

const template = {
  "rows": {
    "{{#each items}}": {
      "row_number": "{{$index}}",
      "columns": {
        "{{#each this}}": {
          "content": "{{this}}",
          "column_number": "{{$index}}"
const data = {
  "items": [

const result =

// or
// const result = ST.transform(template, data)

2. Select and Transform

// or
// ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  "rows": [
      "row_number": 0,
      "columns": [
          "content": "a",
          "column_number": 0
          "content": "b",
          "column_number": 1
          "content": "c",
          "column_number": 2
          "content": "d",
          "column_number": 3
          "content": "e",
          "column_number": 4
      "row_number": 1,
      "columns": [
          "content": 1,
          "column_number": 0
          "content": 2,
          "column_number": 1
          "content": 3,
          "column_number": 2
          "content": 4,
          "column_number": 3
          "content": 5,
          "column_number": 4

10. Local Variables

You can use #let API to declare local variables. The #let API takes an array as a paremeter, which has two elements:

  1. The first parameter: the {{#let}} statement which assigns any value to a variable
  2. The second parameter: the actual expression that will be evaluated

Here's an example:

1. Template and Data

const data = {
  families: [{
    location: "Wonderland",
    members: [{
      name: "Alice"
    }, {
      name: "Bob"
  }, {
    location: "Springfield",
    members: [{
      name: "Bart"
    }, {
      name: "Marge"
    }, {
      name: "Lisa"
    }, {
      name: "Homer"
    }, {
      name: "Maggie"
const template = {
  "rows": {
    "{{#each families}}": {
      "{{#let}}": [{
        "family_location": "{{location}}"
      }, {
        "{{#each members}}": {
          "type": "label",
          "text": "{{name}} in {{family_location}}"

2. Select and Transform

const result =

// or
// const result = ST.transform(template, data)

3. Result

  "rows": [
        "type": "label",
        "text": "Alice in Wonderland"
        "type": "label",
        "text": "Bob in Wonderland"
        "type": "label",
        "text": "Bart in Springfield"
        "type": "label",
        "text": "Marge in Springfield"
        "type": "label",
        "text": "Lisa in Springfield"
        "type": "label",
        "text": "Homer in Springfield"
        "type": "label",
        "text": "Maggie in Springfield"

The local variable feature is important when you are using nested loops. You could use the $root variable to reach out of the current loop context, but this has limitations, because you can always only reach out to the root level.

By using the #let API, you can define a variable at any level of a loop and have it accessible from anywhere further down the loop WITHOUT using the $root variable.


There are 2 ways of transforming an object:

1. transform()

Select a template or its subtree, and transform data with the selected template.{
      "{{#each items}}": {
        "type": "label",
        "text": "{{name}}"
      items: [
        { id: 1, name: "Ja" },
        { id: 2, name: "Ka" },
        { id: 3, name: "La" }

2. transformWith()

Select a data object or its subtree and transform with a template.{
      items: [
        { id: 1, name: "Ja" },
        { id: 2, name: "Ka" },
        { id: 3, name: "La" }
      "{{#each items}}": {
        "type": "label",
        "text": "{{name}}"


1. Use only a subtree of a template

Sometimes you don't want to use the entire template to parse data. In this case you can select a subtree of a template and use that to parse data.

var template = {
  body: {
    sections: [{
      items: {
        "{{#each items}}": {
          type: "{{type}}",
          url: "{{url}}"

var finalTemplate =, function(key, val) {
                          return key === 'type';
                        .transform({ type: "image" }).root();

finalTemplate = {
  body: {
    sections: [{
      items: {
        "{{#each items}}": {
          type: "image",
          url: "{{url}}"

2. Filter Data + Transform with template

Sometimes you have a large set of data but only want to transform a portion of it. In this case you can select a subtree of the data object and parse using a template.

var data = {
  "item": { "url": "http://localhost", "text": "localhost" },
  "items": [
    { "url": "file://documents", "text": "documents" },
    { "url": "", "text": "blah"  }
  "nestedItems": {
    "childItems": [{
      "url": "",
      "text": "haha"
    }, {
      "url": "",
      "text": "hoho"

var selection =, function(key, val) {
  return key === 'url';

var urls = selection.values();
*  urls = [
*    "http://localhost",
*    "file://documents",
*    "",
*    "",
*    ""
*  ]

var transformed = selection.transformWith({
  "tag": "<a href='{{url}}'>{{text}}</a>"

var objects = transformed.objects()
* objects = [
*   { "tag": "<a href='http://localhost'>localhost</a>" },
*   { "tag": "<a href='file://documents'>documents</a>" },
*   { "tag": "<a href=''>blah</a>" },
*   { "tag": "<a href=''>haha</a>" },
*   { "tag": "<a href=''>hoho</a>" }
* ]

var values = transformed.values()
* values = [
*   "<a href='http://localhost'>localhost</a>",
*   "<a href='file://documents'>documents</a>",
*   "<a href=''>blah</a>",
*   "<a href=''>haha</a>",
*   "<a href=''>hoho</a>"
* ]

var keys = transformed.keys()
* keys = ["tag", "tag", "tag", "tag", "tag"]

var root = transformed.root()
* root = {
*   "item": {
*     "tag": "<a href='http://localhost'>localhost</a>"
*   },
*   "items": [
*     { "tag": "<a href='file://documents'>documents</a>" },
*     { "tag": "<a href=''>blah</a>" },
*   ],
*   "nestedItems": {
*     "childItems": [
*       { "tag": "<a href=''>haha</a>" },
*       { "tag": "<a href=''>hoho</a>" }
*     ]
*   }
* };

var transformed ={
  "{{#each items}}": {
    tag: "<a href='{{url}}'>{{text}}</a>"
}).transform({ items: urls });

var root = transformed.root();
root = {
  "item": { "tag": "<a href='http://localhost'>localhost</a>" },
  "items": [
    { "tag": "<a href='file://documents'>documents</a>" },
    { "tag": "<a href=''>blah</a>" }
  "nestedItems": {
    "childItems": {
      "tag": "<a href=''>haha</a>"
    "tag": "<a href=''>hoho</a>"

var keys = transformed.keys();
keys = ["tag", "tag", "tag", "tag", "tag"];

var values = transformed.values();
values = [
  "<a href='http://localhost'>localhost</a>",
  "<a href='file://documents'>documents</a>",
  "<a href=''>blah</a>",
  "<a href=''>haha</a>",
  "<a href=''>hoho</a>"

var objects = transformed.objects();
objects = [
  { "tag": "<a href='http://localhost'>localhost</a>" },
  { "tag": "<a href='file://documents'>documents</a>" },
  { "tag": "<a href=''>blah</a>" },
  { "tag": "<a href=''>haha</a>" },
  { "tag": "<a href=''>hoho</a>" }

var paths = transformed.paths();

3. Nesting Templates

Sometimes you may want to reuse a template by nesting inside another template. In this case you just need to select a subtree of the parent template and plug in a child template.

var data = {
  "item": { "url": "http://localhost" },
  "items": [
    { "url": "file://documents" },
    { "url": "" }
  "nestedItems": {
    "childItems": [{
      "url": "",
      "text": "haha"
    }, {
      "url": "",
      "text": "hoho"
var template = {
  "items": {
    "{{#each items}}": "{{partial}}"
var partial = {
  "type": "label",
  "text": "{{name}}"
var selected =, function(key, val) {
  return val === '{{partial}}';
var finalTemplate = selected.transform({
  "partial": {
    "type": "label",
    "text": "{{name}}"

  finalTemplate = {
    "items": {
      "{{#each items}}": {
        "type": "label",
        "text": "{{name}}"