

Syntax, selectorFunction)


  • data : Any JavaScript object
  • selectorFunction : selectorFunction is a predicate, to test each key/value pairs of the entire JSON tree. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise, taking two arguments:
    • key : the "key" of the current key/value pair being tested
    • value : the "value" of the current key/value pair being tested

Return Value

Returns a selection object which can be queried to retrieve the final result, using the following API:

  • values() : Array of values for all the key/value pair matches
  • keys() : Array of keys for all the key/value pair matches
  • paths() : Array of paths leading to all the key/value pair matches
  • objects() : Array of full objects in which the key/value match was found
  • root() : Retrieve the root node. Useful when used along with transform


You can select any JSON tree to find only the subtrees that satisfy your needs.

1. Take any data

var data = {
  links: [
    { "remote_url": "http://localhost" },
    { "file_url": "file://documents" },
    { "remote_url": "" }
  preview: "https://image",
  metadata: "This is a link collection"
2. Select subtree

var selection =, function(key, val) {
  return /https?:/.test(val);
3. Query the selection object

var selected_values = selection.values();
//  [
//    "http://localhost",
//    "",
//    "https://image"
//  ]

var selected_keys = selection.keys();
//  [
//    "remote_url",
//    "remote_url",
//    "preview"
//  ]

var selected_objects = selection.objects();
//  [
//    { "remote_url": "http://localhost" },
//    { "remote_url": "" },
//    {
//      "links": [
//        { "remote_url": "http://localhost" },
//        { "file_url": "file://documents" },
//        { "remote_url": "" }
//      ],
//      "preview": "https://image",
//      "metadata": "This is a link collection"
//    }
//  ]

var selected_paths = selection.paths();
//  [
//    "[\"links\"][0]",
//    "[\"links\"][2]",
//    ""
//  ]